Sunday, 30 November 2008

30 Posts in 30 Days

Today is post 30 and I have achieved what I set out to do at the Beginning of November. A Post a Day!
What has it taught me:-

that basically I can talk about anything to anyone at anytime! Waffle!! Lol!
and it is actually quite a challenge!

I have thoroughly enjoyed it, I have visited lots of new blogs too, which has opened my eyes to lots of new and varied crafts and hobbies.

Is blogging a waste of time and space?
Definately not. For people like me who live in an isolated area, it is my contact with the outside world. Even though I have never met any of you, it has given you the chance to get to know me and me a chance to know you. And yes it is possible to have friends you have never met. This is 'penfriends' on a better level!

Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I shall be visiting yours very soon. but have a hectic couple of days ahead of me. See you soon.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Worcester Victorian Christmas Fayre!

This is where I have been for the past couple of days! Even though I had scheduled posts each day I was away!

We where there for the very long and laborious opening speeches. Everyone spoke, Mayor, people from their 3 twinned towns, and Christian Church leaders. I did feel sorry for the children waiting patiently on the Merry-go-round.


But once it got going it was great! Lots of lovely stalls with all the stall holders wearing Victorian Clothes, mind you they would have needed the layers it was bitterly cold!

Just a very small selection of the stores available.

Street entertainment

Places to eat

and lots lots more, I recommend you go next year!!

Friday, 28 November 2008

Cat Bully!

My friend came round with her daughter the other day and Sassy stayed around, which is most unusual. She usually scarpers but I think she is feeling very picked on by Jake!

He is being a proverbial bully especially towards Sassy. I can't seem to break it and to be honest am not sure how too either. I have Feliway plugged in and a spray to use around the place. But he lies in wait for her either just inside the catflap, or third step from the top of the stairs.

He always catches her in the evening when I am sat downstairs and so far has not done this when I'm around. If he does I walk up to him quickly, don't shout, don't do anything else, just make my presence felt. If I have the water spray to hand he gets a quick squirt!

If anyone know of a way to deal with this please let me know!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Knitted Wire Jewellery

I have been practising knitting with wire for awhile. I made this for a swop I was in, this is the first one I have given to someone outside the family! It was very well recieved and I asked the lady who got it to give me honest feedback. She loved it, her only worry was the loop I had made to go over the button, she was not sure it was strong enough. I think this was a fair statement and will now look into how too improve the loop!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Welcome to my new blog, thank you for taking the time to find me again!

How Many Plant Pots does a Girl Need

I spent an hour in the Garden yesterday, it was beautiful sunshine but oh! so cold, my tootsies got frozen! Anyway I decided to tackle this area

I cut back the neighbours plant above the water butts, cleared up all the plant pots, raked up the leaves and generally tidied up

Look space, I plan to put a couple of compost bins on the earth once the two shrubs have been destroyed. But look what I have been left with.........

lots and lots of plant pots. Do you think I have too many????