Today is post 30 and I have achieved what I set out to do at the Beginning of November. A Post a Day!
What has it taught me:-
that basically I can talk about anything to anyone at anytime! Waffle!! Lol!
and it is actually quite a challenge!
I have thoroughly enjoyed it, I have visited lots of new blogs too, which has opened my eyes to lots of new and varied crafts and hobbies.
Is blogging a waste of time and space?
Definately not. For people like me who live in an isolated area, it is my contact with the outside world. Even though I have never met any of you, it has given you the chance to get to know me and me a chance to know you. And yes it is possible to have friends you have never met. This is 'penfriends' on a better level!
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I shall be visiting yours very soon. but have a hectic couple of days ahead of me. See you soon.
Traffic Jam
4 days ago