Saturday, 29 November 2008

Worcester Victorian Christmas Fayre!

This is where I have been for the past couple of days! Even though I had scheduled posts each day I was away!

We where there for the very long and laborious opening speeches. Everyone spoke, Mayor, people from their 3 twinned towns, and Christian Church leaders. I did feel sorry for the children waiting patiently on the Merry-go-round.


But once it got going it was great! Lots of lovely stalls with all the stall holders wearing Victorian Clothes, mind you they would have needed the layers it was bitterly cold!

Just a very small selection of the stores available.

Street entertainment

Places to eat

and lots lots more, I recommend you go next year!!


Auntie Noo said...

ooooh that looks so much fun - aren't the colours bright and christmassy?

Anonymous said...

OooH Libby, this is such a treat. Being a Worcestershire girl born and bred, there is nothing I would like more than to go next year.
However since that is not possible, I will enjoy your pictures. My cousins go each year and always say what a good time they have.
Love Sheila (Canada)