Everyone moans about snow in the UK! How the country grinds to a halt! The airports can't run fully, the roads aren't gritted, the schools are shut etc etc.

It really really annoys me. When I was a youngster, we used to regularly, well more often than we do now, get snow in winter. People just got on with it. Schools where never shut, playgrounds had icy slides the children had made. Health and Safety was not heard of. Mums where at home in case of any accidents and life was brill!

Now the counties run out of salt for gritting the roads, and that's after a couple of days of snow. I came home from Swindon on a sheet of glass, last night, as no one had gritted. I passed a young girl of about T's age who had pulled in and probably had no idea how to drive in such treacherous conditions. Well we don't need to teach them how too as these conditions so rarely happen!

Buses don't run because its too dangerous, but what they really worry about is someone suing them for Health & Safety reasons because something is wet, icy or just to darn slippy!

Sadly a young girl was killed sledging yesterday, no doubt some silly law will come in to stop children sledging! We have to take some risks otherwise where is the fun in life.

Other countries cope! Yes they do but then they have snow falls most winters and so have all the equipment. I would go out and buy chains for tyres, special boots for walking, I would pay for my girls to learn to skid too, if I knew this was going to be a regular occurrence.

So stop moaning UK, take your time, walk slowly, drive slowly and enjoy this very rare occurrence!
Rant over!!!
The whole, yes the WHOLE of my house is going to be cleaned! All my carpets cleaned, curtains, duvets, pillows, walls, ceilings, suites, lamps, you name it, it will be cleaned, because of smoke damage! If the carpet in the lounge and in fact the walls and ceiling don't clean up well enough I will get a new carpet and be redecorated!!
Now I didn't think it was quite that bad but it is! Excellent says I, thinking I won't need to clean the house before my party........ WRONG
This is the culprit

my chimney needs to be reboarded

and it can't be done in time, hrmph. So instead I will get it all spring cleaned afterwards!!