Update:- My mum was due to have a CT scan yesterday, or so we thought, anyway apparently it was only an appointment to see the specialist????? So the Ct scan is not for awhile as other tests have to be done first!!!
My sister left her today, mum has driven and done some cooking and C (sister) thinks she will be fine, with her partners help.
So I awoke this morning feeling like death warmed up, ear ache, sore throat etc. As hubby said, I am no longer on standby, so have switched off!!
I am so behind in the gardening stakes I should be planting seeds galore, but to be honest all I want to do is 'sit'! So I have done that, although I pottered down the garden to take some pics to share with you...
Currently in flower in the greenhouse

so cheerful, its a shame they are shut away in the greenhouse!

I like the pink purply hues of this one.
Here is my Manihot Grahami

this is much sort of on the Hardy Tropicals forum. I am surprised it has survived as to be honest I am very neglectful of my greenhouse plants during the winter. All I do is make sure the temps do not fall below 5C other than that they are on there own!!!

these where a bargain buy last autumn about 50p each. I saw them when I went to 'Will Giles' Tropical Garden in Norwich last year. Then when I saw them in the garden centre going cheap I grabbed them with both hands and brought them home. Only then did I read the label!!!! They need good light and quite a warm temp all winter, so I used my heat mat, popped it into my propagator then popped the plants on top and covered them with the lid. I made a concerted effort to water these as they like rain water in the centre of the plant. As you can see they survived!! Which is all very well for this year, I'm just not sure what to do with them next year as they will be quite large by then!!

They are going to be big this year Tropical Pete! I only popped some water on them for the first time this winter last week!!
My Bird of Paradise plants have really done well this winter

I am chuffed, as they are alot bigger than last year. Although I think I still have some wait before we see any flowers!!