Tuesday, 27 January 2009

January Giveaway

Primarily I see my blog as a gardening blog. During the winter though, when there is not alot going on in my garden, I craft,cook and do lots of other bits and pieces. I had thought about joining 'blotanical' but I'm not sure I'd qualify as I waffle on about so many other things!

I thought as Spring is coming (I know its is)(well it has too doesn't it?) I would do a giveaway based around a gardening theme, but include a crafty item too! Below is what you would get, a hand knitted (by me) cotton dishcloth, some 'Gardeners' playing cards, seeds, Sunflower, Sungold bright and cheerful I love them; Coleus, a bit of the tropical; Sweetcorn, Minipop some vegetables

and some seed I saved from this

Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens' this was a huge hit with the bees last year so I will definitely be growing this all over the place!

If you would like to be entered into this giveaway then please leave a comment on this post before the 1st Feb 2009.

Good Luck!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Rescue Operation!

I know this probably should have taken place abit sooner, but I had to wait till hubby could go and get the bark chippings for me.

This is the banana that has flopped and it was soft all the way down, so I cut it back and scarily it was soft in the centre as well.

So covered it with a good layer of bark chippings.

The same down by the pond

this was even softer when cut back as you can see from the pic,

but we try and you never know!?

Although I am relatively confident the gunnera will be ok

I gave that a layer of chippings too. Now all we can do is keep our fingers and toes crossed.

Surprisingly my Cordyline

and the bamboos

are doing really well. I do love the bamboos as they sway in the wind, they make a very pleasant rustling sound.

The new Caster Oil plant, which if you remember I bought for £5 last year and is currently in a large pot on the north side of the house, has collapsed occasionally from the very low temps but is currently looking very good as you can see.

Again I like this plant but can see it may very well outgrow this spot!
I wonder if maybe I don't care enough for my plants, but I believe I must be realistic, especially with my back being as bad as it can be. If I lose the banana on the patio will it be so bad, not really as I will get to see the trachycarpus abit better.

The one by the pond wound probably get too big for where it is anyway, so maybe fate or should I say mother nature has other plans!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Better than Moving Furniture.

I am one of those people who gets bored with the same old, same old!

I like change.

When we first lived here, hubby used to come home from work and very gingerley open the door as he could never be certain where I had put the furniture!!

I moved it alot in those days.

When I had finished in the lounge, I would move to the bedrooms.

The girls thought it was great!!

Nowadays I still want to move furniture, but don't.

I have a blog.

and can change the design of this on a daily basis,

from new headers, to flowery backgrounds and different coloured fonts.

It seems to satisfy my need and is so much easier than moving furniture!!!

and yes, all the header pics are taken by me.

some are planned, like the mincepies and the jam jars,

others are just pure luck!!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Happy Birthday

To Hubbie, he's the one on the right, just in case you weren't sure lol!!

My bestest friend, my soul mate. He works soooooooooo hard, that I worry.

I think what still amazes me is we actually only had one chance of meeting, if either of us had missed that, who knows where we would be now!!

Love you lots Markie Bear!

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

5 a Day!

I presume you all know that we are supposed to have at least 5 fruit & veg portions a day. We are a big fruit and veg eating family, and it costs me a fortune. Well how many of your daily portions would you reckon this lot is???

Looking at it I would have said 3, what do you think?

Its actually only 1! Weighs 85grams, so top and tail and peel and you have 80gram. I was flabbergasted!!!

Now this one looks like 80grams

I was watching a programme the other day about poor memory, and they put blueberries to the test, 3 ladies had a memory test then had to eat 80g a day for 3 months, they then had a further memory test and the improvements where amazing. So as I have been having memory problems and having never eaten a blueberry in my life I thought I might give it a go, that was until I saw the price of them!!!!! Maybe I shall just forget I have a problem!!!!!

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Oh Dear!

We had very bad gales last night, and this morning I went out to survey the damage. It turned out to be worse than I thought. Obviously the -10C we had earlier this year was devastating to my 'Hardy tropicals' and sadly I just didn't think about it at the time, not that I coulds probably have done anything then.

The tree ferns are now well and truly brown, I just hope the fleece, stuffed in the crowns will be enough.

The very first banana I ever bought has been ruined, I am totally devastated about this one in particular, as chances are it would have flowered this year! It is soft all the way to the bottom.

The Red Tiger has probably had it as well as it only went in last year.

The banana by the pond is just as bad

The fan palm has gone too although I probably shouldn't have left this one out,

I get confused when plants are given to me and people tell me a name, I usually forget!
Need to decide what to do with these now?

Saturday, 17 January 2009


This isn't all I will be growing, I still have peas and French Beans and potatoes and aubergines...............

and then I found this at the Garden Centre reduced from £9.99 which I wouldn't have paid, to £3 which I paid

I'm not sure I like them but I wanted a flower in the house in March!

Friday, 16 January 2009


As you know, I have a passion for the Hardy Tropical plants. Last year I had decided to extend my Tropicals to the beds at the bottom of the garden. But then autumn winter came and I had to dig up and lift into the greenhouse alot of these plants. Which proved to cause a few problems with my back.

Well now I have come to a decision. Sit down and take a deep breathe and read on please.

I was watching 'Its Not Easy Being Green' on BBC2 at 8pm on Wednesday, I was/am a huge fan of the first series and in fact it was watching this programme that got me into veg growing. Anyway I digress. I was watching this the other night and Dick Strawbridge was talking about the humble 'Bumble Bee' and how its struggling and what is said may happen if they die out. I have also enjoyed Cheryl's Blog and her many happenings with the bees in her garden.
Bearing this in mind I shall keep the jungle at the top,

it helps keep the patio cool in the summer and I have decided to return the bottom plot of land to plants for the Bumble Bees. Which I believe will look very pretty and be better for my back. I will keep a couple of my 'Large Leaved Jungle ' plants but I will plant alot more flowers.
I shall also improve the flowerbed up by the Veg Patch.

I shall join Bumblebee Conservation
and if I had the space I would have had a go at a bee hive.
But the good thing as far as I am concerned is I still get to grow my Brugmansias, as I know from past years the Bees love these!

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Peace & Tranquility

Isn't this view gorgeous, so peaceful

I love the sun and the fog

I love living where I live too, so tranquil

Two kitties in harmony

Please excuse the state of the floor, in the thaw kitties have muddy paws and refuse to wipe there feet!!!!!!! and I hadn't washed it last night but I will do this morning!!

Wednesday, 14 January 2009


I was tidying up my photos on the computer and came across these. I always knew there where similarities but this is scary!!!

My eldest neice at our wedding, with a mouthful of food!!

and my favourite pic

now meet her daughter, my Great Niece
